Nigeria -- home of e-mail scammers -- tries to improve its image


The country that brings you daily e-mail offers from esteemed princes asking for your bank account information so they can send you millions of dollars in exchange for a few thousand of your dollars, is trying to re-brand itself.

The nation known for corruption, online fraud and as a drug transit route is putting the slogan "Nigeria: Good People, Great Nation," on T-shirts and baseball caps in an effort to overturn the battered reputation of Africa's most populous nation, according to a Reuters story.

The "moral re-armament," as President Umaru Yar'Adua called it in a speech, is supposed to encourage citizens to improve their morals and stop doing Internet fraud, among other things.

For a nation that has prided itself on mayhem and chaos, and has sent millions of e-mail scam letters around the world -- it will be a big step.
