Websites that can help you make extra cash on the side


It's all we've been hearing about: February will go down as the worst month for layoffs in as far back as most of us can remember, especially in the private sector. With companies scrambling to cut costs in the face of an economic tidal wave, unemployment has catapulted to a staggering 8.1% (from January's 7.6%). Positions once deemed essential are suddenly written off as unhealthy excess. Businesses tighten their belts, axing everyone from executives to mail-room personnel in a frantic effort to stay afloat.

So what are millions of jobless Americans to do (aside from claiming their unemployment benefits)? Use their talents to make money on the side!

It works, too, says David Huebner, co-founder of, a social networking site that offers cash-strapped individuals the opportunity to turn their passions into money-making gigs. Speak another language? Try tutoring. Perfect at organizing your life? Get your hands dirty in someone else's!

MyJambi couldn't have launched at a better time. Despite minimal marketing efforts, the site grew to 17,000 users in just eight months, most of which came to myJambi organically. Although the site's average user demographic ranges from 22-24 year olds, Huebner says that as the economy falters, the user age group increases. Yes, college students aren't the only ones interested in making some extra cash on the side, unemployed (and still working) professionals are getting in line as well.
