Girls talking smak: New social news site launches, just for women


On March 18 Smaknews will launch a new kind of social media website aimed at women who are looking for a social news site devoid of comments asking if they are a real woman. Smaknews will have two main categories at launch, one to cover celebrity news and another labeled "for her" which will feature shopping, finance tips for women, tech news and much more.

Smaknews looks to combine the best of several popular social media sites and provide a destination for women who want to share interesting links, create original blog posts, and more. One example of bringing in the best aspects of social media from other sites is the Twitter-like ability to "Talk Smak" about a topic. Users can talk "smak" about anything they encounter, even if it isn't on Smaknews as a blog post or linked story; sharing a sentence and a link with other users and generating discussion around it.
