Make money by saving money with a clothing swap!


Feel like you have nothing to wear? You're not alone. That age-old conundrum has been haunting the fashionably conscious like those little elves who steal only single white socks out of the drier. Even if your budget's taxed, you can still continue to spruce up your wardrobe every season by hosting a clothing swap.

Clothing swaps are when you clean out your closet of all the clothes you no longer wear and have your friends do the same, regardless whether you wear the same size or not, then get together and go through each others' old clothes.

My friends and I always organize our bags of old clothes into neat piles for each items: skirts in one pile, pants in another, etc. Then we have the loud-mouthed and sharpest-tongue among us act as an auctioneer, going through each pile, and presenting each item one-by-one, tossing it to whoever raises their hand first. If more than one girl wants the same fitted jeans (always a coveted freebie), then....things get interesting (watch the video after the jump for details).
