Become a Diva in Business


Did you ever want to be one of those people with such presence that every time they walk into a room, the mood changes? Even before you see them, you can just sense they are there, that something's different. This is a very powerful tool in the business world -- and it is what being a diva in business is all about.

To help you truly understand what I'm talking about, let me introduce you to the woman who taught me what this meant in the first place: my Aunt Joan. She is my mother's twin sister, and often referred to as the "first lady of licensing." In her own business for the last twenty years, she started working with the leading apparel firms and most widely recognized international brands when women still held reign over the secretarial pools. She was clearly an enigma in a world dominated by executive men, but Joan was never one to take things lying down, especially when it affected the respect she earned from other people.
