An Offer You Should Refuse


Robert Half International

Taylor is facing a dilemma that shouldn't be one. After recently accepting a position with another company that offered him more money, a better title and greater responsibility, he has informed his boss of his decision. In an effort to keep him, Taylor's supervisor has presented him with a counteroffer: a $7,000 raise and an extra week of vacation.

"You are so valuable to us, we really just can't afford to lose you," she explains. Taylor is a little surprised. "I've asked about career advancement in the past, but nothing ever came of it," he thinks to himself. "I wouldn't have looked for another job in the first place if I thought they valued my contributions so much." That thought alone should have been his first indication that the counteroffer might not be all that it appears.

Counteroffers may seem attractive on the surface but should never be accepted. Here's why:
