AIG, please take more of our money


I don't know how the clowns running this "bailout madness" could be any more reckless than they've been so far. American International Group (AIG) is getting yet another $30 billion compliments of the American taxpayers.

First AIG got a gift of $85 billion. Then executives promptly went on a little luxury spa trip, costing $440,000. Then... woe is me. More money was needed by AIG, and the company got another $65 billion, for a total handout of $150 billion. And now we can tack another $30 billion gift onto that.

$180 billion for AIG, a company that some idiots in our government apparently believe is "too important to fail." Really? Either AIG has been lying each time it holds its hand out (because the money it seems to "need" never goes far enough), or the executives of the company are complete morons. Either way, they don't deserve any more money from the taxpayers.
