Spoof tells the truth about FreeCreditReport.com


You can't watch an hour of prime time TV without hearing the crooning of that FreeCreditReport.com kid and his band of bad credit banditos. Given its prevalence and catchy jingle, it's no wonder that even folks with common sense make the mistake of trying to get their yearly free credit report from FreeCreditReport.com.

For the uninitiated, using FreeCreditReport.com enrolls you in Triple-Advantage credit monitoring service for $14.95 a month. Canceling Triple Advantage isn't impossible, but it's hardly worth the effort when you can get your credit reports for free here: AnnualCreditReport.com.

Perhaps the following hilarious spoof of those annoying commercials will provide you with the perfect diversion to email your coworkers this morning.

A whole lot of good could be done if Dan Louisell's commercial was run as a public service announcement. But given that FreeCreditReport.com is owned by Experian, which also sponsors the real free annual credit report, it's highly unlikely that this spoof will get the attention it deserves from the annualcreditreport.com group.
