Free CankerMelts...for a few questions

No one wants to talk about canker sores, so we'll just keep this between us.

CankerMelts, which bills itself as the all-natural canker sore solution, is offering a free sample of its adhering discs. These things can be painful, but you have to think ahead because they take two to four weeks to arrive by mail.

The other catch is that you have to fill out a short, online survey to get the free sample. And like all online surveys, we hope these remain anonymous and aren't used for marketing purposes, or not sold to someone else. One of the questions is about how often do you get canker sores, which is an answer you'd probably prefer not to have out in the public domain.

They're not numbing treatments, as other canker sore products are, so they might actually work. They're only meant to treat canker sores, not stop them from happening. For that, talk to your dentist.

The offer is good while supplies last.
