The Rick Santelli epic continues


Remember Rick Santelli, the trader and commentator whose "rant heard 'round the world" so inflamed financial folk last week? Well, the tale of the stentorian-toned little trader that could is far from over.

Following his rabble-rousing harangue on CNBC, Santelli seems to have morphed into the voice of the opposition, and his "Chicago Tea Party" has become a rallying point for everyone who disagrees with President Obama's stimulus plan.

Within hours of Santelli's original February 19th speech, fans had already set up a "Chicago Tea Party" blog, a Linked In group, and dozens of fan groups on Facebook. Supporters were making plans to travel to Chicago, discussing strategies for prodding Santelli to offer specifics about his tea party, and discussing a coordinated push to delay mortgage payments in protest. As one commentator breathlessly wrote, "Wacker and Monroe is our Lexington and Concord!"
