Donate blood, get help with job search


The Stanford Blood Center has come up with a new way to get people to donate blood: Job hunting help for the unemployed.

Job hunting hurts, much like the prick of a needle can hurt. But the pain shouldn't be enough to stop job seekers from donating something that can save a life.

For 300 milliliters of blood, a donor at the recent career workshop in Palo Alto, California, got a 10-minute resume critique with a career coach. With California's unemployment rate at 9.3%, it's free advice that a lot of people could use.

The story by the ABC television affiliate in San Francisco points out that Thursday's career workshop/blood drive was so successful that another one is planned for March 5. Along with the career counseling, it's also a kind of mini job fair, with representatives from Stanford Jobs available to take resumes and discuss job opportunities.
