How to file your taxes for free with the help of VITA and Walmart/United Way


Like death, taxes are one thing you can count on and preparing taxes can be a trying experience especially if you haven't kept up with the numerous tax credits that are available. Thankfully the IRS has partnered with volunteers to provide free tax preparation assistance to individuals making less than $42,000 through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Additionally, the Walmart Foundation is also helping taxpayers by providing a $3.6 million grant to help taxpayers earning less than $56,000 file their taxes correctly.

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For the most part, using the VITA program for tax preparation assistance is no different than going to H&R Block -- other than the fact that you'll save $130! There's no need to for any special paperwork to file your taxes through the VITA program, just the standard tax documents, a list of which can be found at the IRS VITA program page. Additionally when you file with the help of a VITA volunteer it shouldn't take any longer than filing at a tax prep company and in many cases will be faster than doing it yourself.
