Should you dumb down your resume?


The Charlotte Observerposts an intriguing question in one of their stories that ran earlier this week: Is your resume too good?

In other words, as reporter Kirsten Vallie observes, "faced with the cruelest job market in years, some unemployed professionals are lowering their standards for the jobs they're seeking -- and even toning down their resumes to avoid seeming overqualified."

Of course, on the surface, it sounds like a great problem for a hiring manager or boss. Who wouldn't want to hire someone who is overqualified for a job? After all, aren't you likely to get an employee who is something of a superhero, instantly able to handle any hurdle that comes their way in a single bound?

Well, maybe, but at the same time, employers are well aware that they may just be giving that person a temporary position, and that the overqualified employee will bolt as soon as something better comes along. And so some desperate folks are reportedly shrinking their resume down a bit, making impressive titles sound less impressive or removing a promotion or two--or three.

Anyway, I decided to seek out a career counselor and ask what she thought about roughing up your resume. I sought out career coach Sharon DeLay, president and owner of Permanent Ink Professional Development Services in Columbus, Ohio, to see if she thinks it's a good or bad idea.
