Valentine's SEO: Finding an old flame online for free


Your senior prom beau? The bad boy your parents hated? The sexy nerd who stole your heart in college? We've all loved 'em and left 'em. So where are they now? Turns out most +45 women want to know -- and many are going online to find out.

In a new wowOwow poll of our audience of women aged 45 and older, as many as 60% said they had used the Internet to find -- and reconnect with -- long lost loves.

That's partly explained by the fact that baby boomers are now online like never before, thanks to the growing popularity of Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and other social networking sites. But while many older users are more likely than youngsters to be logging on for research, e-mail and shopping, according to a recent study by PEW Research, just what -- or who- - they're researching might come as a surprise.
