The Job Hunt: Job fairs not a good place to find a job


This should come as no surprise to anyone who has been to a job fair: The line at a federal job fair in Atlanta went around the block Thursday morning.

I've written about job fairs on my personal blog about being an unemployed dad, and I've been to a handful since being laid off back in June. But while I've waited in line for 30 minutes, I haven't been in a job fair line that snaked around the block.

According to a CNN story, there were 4,000 to 5,000 people at the job fair in Atlanta, lined up around the building with some of the area in triple lines. More than half of the people standing in line for more than four hours left disappointed or without getting in, the report said.

It took about six hours of waiting to get into the job fair, where many were told to apply for the jobs online.
