A potentially useful tool for nonprofit organizations


It isn't easy being a nonprofit. I'm generalizing, of course, but in that business, you're often relying on the kindness of donations or at least grants, you're begging people to volunteer their time, and for all your work, the compensation can be sub-par. This was apparently behind the thinking of Robert Armbrister and Jake Lonc, two IT gurus who wanted to make life a little easier for nonprofits, when they created Homeingle, a social networking site.

Of course, when I first heard about this, my mind summoned up Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and so on, and I thought the world needs a social networking site like it needs another investment banker (sorry, they're an easy target these days). But the more I learn about it, it does sound like it could be a very useful tool for anyone navigating their way through the world of nonprofits.

So here's what it is, and if you know anyone who works at a charity, or any community-minded person, you may want to spread some good karma and forward this post right along:
