Tension Tamer: Confessions of a Self-Employed Massage Therapist

Massage Therapist
Massage Therapist

Massage therapists have a look about them. They're usually young, cute, in good shape -- and often blonde.

Meghan Green is no different. The 29-year-old massage therapist eats a gluten-free diet and swims every weekday morning at 6 a.m. She's consistent and confident. So confident, in fact, that she started her own business in New York City - something that few New Yorkers have the guts to do.

About four years ago, she started renting a tiny downtown office to meet her clients. She shares the $1600/month space with four other women to pay the bills. "No one can physically work this job all day long. It's much easier to split costs and time," she said.
