Pope Diggs Facebook


For whatever reason, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has decided that people need to hear his opinion on social networking sites.

He said that these technological advances are a "gift" that can help to foster the "fundamental desire" of people to communicate. But -- you know there was a but, right? -- he warned that "obsessive" virtual social networking can isolate people from real human relationships and urged social networking sites to foster respect for the "goodness and intimacy of human sexuality."

He brings up a good point about the potential for online networking to replace actual human interaction. Remember the South Park episode where the internet stopped working and people's lives collapsed because they didn't know how to interact with each other in real life? I know what you're thinking: That's just a TV show. But that's beside the point.

If you interested in becoming a fan of the Pope, click here to visit the Facebook fan page that's been set up for him. He already has over 25,000 fans!
