Aretha Franklin's grey hat a huge success; milliner flooded with orders


Mr. Song Millinery, a Detroit business run by a South Korean immigrant, can link its success to Barack Obama. Shortly after he was sworn in, Aretha Franklin took the stage to sing the national anthem. In a very, very noticeable hat.

That grey felt hat, studded with Swarovski crystals, was designed and created by Luke Song. Now hundreds of people are calling, asking to buy a version of the hat (he won't sell the exact replica, only a similar grey felt hat with satin ribbon instead of crystals), at $179 a pop.

It's a fitting over-the-top, yet somehow also reserved, symbol for the sobering yet hopeful times; and people all over who can't afford to buy the hat are Photoshopping their picture underneath it. RESPECT! To Aretha and a man named Mr. Song.
