Woman sells baby's name for $4,050


It's amazing what you find on eBay.

A unemployed woman without maternity insurance coverage and unpaid medical bills has sold the naming rights to her unborn child for $4,050 on eBay.

The winning bid was made Jan. 17 for a baby due June 10. According to the woman's blog, she plans to announce the winning name any day.

Talk about a way to come up with some cash -- sort of like what professional sports teams do with stadiums, only a lot less expensive.

The winning bidder gets a pair of Nike Air Booties, and exclusive naming right for her baby's first, middle and last name. They also get a copy of the birth certificate, a newspaper with the birth announcement, and a wallet size picture from the hospital picture package with the name, birth date, weight and other details printed on the front.

She explains in her bid that's she's doing this because it's fun, and that she already has three children and the novelty of naming the baby has worn off. She asks that the name not be one where the kid "could potentially get his/her butt kicked in school."

On Jan. 13, four days before bidding ended, she updated the bid to say she was fired from her job, which she attributes to being pregnant. Her stack of unpaid bills must only be getting bigger.

If her offer is a hoax, it's a pretty elaborate one.
