2009 comebacks: The glass baby bottle


What to expect when you're expecting: Onesies, bibs, receiving blankets by the dozen, high-chair, stroller...and oh yes, glass baby bottles. Years after they fell out of favor, glass baby bottles, of the sort used by our parents and grandparents, are now de rigeur for new and expecting parents.

The change has been a few years in the making. In 2007, a group called Environment California released a report, "Toxic Baby Bottles," that got worldwide media attention. Suddenly, companies making glass baby bottles were seeing a run on their product. Why? The report detailed concerns that a chemical used in making plastic baby bottles leached a toxic chemical, Bisphenal A, that could impact the health of babies exposed to it during critical developmental stages.

Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a man-made chemical used in polycarbonate plastic, the material used to make most baby bottles and other shatter-proof plastic food containers. Although the Food and Drug Administration says current uses with food are safe, numerous health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says animal testing has shown that BPA has hormone-like effects on the reproductive system that could lead to prostate and breast issues later in life. The CDC says more study is needed to see if BPA is actually harming people.
