Inauguration gives some workers a day off
Given the historical significance of the inauguration ceremony for President-elect Barack Obama today, employers are demonstrating considerable lenience with employees who want to celebrate. Verizon is urging employers to let their workers telecommute for a day and Society for Human Resource Management reports that 5% of employers are actually giving their workers the day off.
Other employers are holding inauguration-themed parties. According to the the USA Today, "Productivity experts say giving employees time to watch or party on Inauguration Day may do more to boost productivity by instilling enthusiasm in workplaces battered by layoffs and job insecurity."
I guess that makes sense, but it could also create an uncomfortable work environment for office Republicans. As a hardcore Democrat, I think would still be in jail if I had been subjected to an office party celebrating the inauguration of George W. Bush, complete with multiple flat-screen televisions blaring his every word.
So my fellow Democrats: If you do head in for work on Tuesday to celebrate the inauguration, try to be nice to your dejected Republican coworkers.