Stolen car recovered after thieves tricked by text message!


Normally contacting the person who stole your car is a sure fire way to end up on the losing side of a bad situation, but one Columbus Ohio man was able to recover his stolen car with the help of a text message. It sounds more like a plot wrinkle from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels than a news story but apparently criminals are just that dumb.

After being carjacked, Alan Heuss was lamenting his situation with a group of friends when they decided to try and trick the thieves by offering them "hot chicks" and drugs. The group sent a text message to Alan's phone, which was taken with the car, telling Alan that they would send a women and drugs over to him. A few hours later, the robbers replied with their location, which was promptly passed along to the Columbus Police who caught the trio sitting inside the stolen car.

It seems that this trio of criminals wanted to get ahead of their competitors for the 2009 Darwin Awards. Seriously, who robs someone at gunpoint and then is dumb enough to respond to a text message like this? Then again, I shouldn't be surprised, this just re-enforces the fact that there are dumb criminals everywhere. Thankfully, the world is full of enterprising folks who take it upon themselves to have a little fun with criminals much like Alan and his friends did.
