2009 Money moves: Get in gear with digital coupons


Gone are the days when coupon clipping meant you had to cozy up to a kitchen table for an hour of hunting and cutting in order to save money. Thanks to emerging technology and new trends form retailers; 2009 is poised to be the year that ushers in major coupon savings for any purchase.

Getting coupons delivered to your phone has been possible for a few years, but 2009 is set to be the game- changing year. More retailers are partnering with CellFire, the biggest name in mobile coupons, increasing the number of offers. Couple this with widespread phone compatibility and the market is ready to explode.

CellFire works by allowing user to add coupons to their cell phone or to their store loyalty card. Even in my relatively small town I was able to find a few participating retailers including Kroger. Once I tied my Kroger Plus card to my CellFire account, I could add coupons to the card from my computer or from my phone while I was shopping!. When I purchased the items, rather than carrying a stack of coupons, I simply handed my Plus card to the cashier and the savings were applied.

Other retailers like Caribou Coffee and Firestone Auto participate by letting consumers show a coupon on their mobile phone. Since I can access the savings from my cellphone I can easily save $1 on my coffee or get $10 off an oil change while I am wait in line. Gamestop has participated in the past and will be rejoining the mobile coupon clipping party by mid 2009.
