Grocers launch new healthy labeling campaigns


The rubric at grocery stores used to be that if you wanted to stick to the healthiest, freshest foods, you stuck to the outer boundaries of the store, and closed your eyes while you ambled past the pastas and the cookies while you made your way to the milk. But now that healthy shoppers are spending big bucks -- and things like a half-gallon of organic milk go for $4 a pop -- grocers are interested in getting you to the good stuff as fast and as easily as possible.

Hence, signs.

Giant Food and Stop & Shop, owned by the same parent company, just announced a new initiative called "healthy ideas" to lure shoppers to the 10% of the products in their stores that can be considered healthy. Expect big blue and green displays in the produce aisles, as well as scattered throughout the store. Most of all, you can bet the stores will be touting pricey organic products as much as possible.
