Companies That Give Benefits to Part-Timers


If you're looking for or thinking about switching to part-time work, don't think that you have to give up benefits in exchange for more flexibility. More and more companies today are offering benefits to part-time employees in attempts to attract and retain harder-working, more-qualified workers.

See Also: Top 10 Part-Time Jobs with Benefits 2010

Nationwide retailers like Target, Trader Joe's, Wegmans, and IKEA are just a few examples of companies that offer their part-time employees health care options, 401(k) plans, paid vacation time, and/or discounts on merchandise. In many cases, part-time workers still may need to work a minimum number of hours per week and put in a certain number of hours of work in order to qualify for any type of benefits package; however, once they do, the benefits they receive are often well worth the effort.
