Important days for your finances in 2009
If you're anything like me, you have some trepidation that the New Year will swoop in and you'll miss some big financial deadline that will end up costing you a bundle. Thankfully there's Kiplinger's Save the Date guide to financial dates in 2009.
Some items won't apply to your situation, but what's important, however, is that you do take five minutes and figure out which of these tasks matter in your financial life.
Some of the prominent dates to remember:
January 1 and June 30th - The first and last days you can file your FAFSA application for federal aid.
January 15th - Estimated federal income tax due.
February 23rd -Get an accountant or buy tax prep software.
May 15th - Twenty-somethings prepare for wedding season.
May 25th - Check your stock value when the market is closed to prevent rash decisions.
November 9th - 1st payments due on student loans for May grads!
I can't stress enough the importance of remembering November 9th for college graduates and their parents. With student loan bills higher than some house payments, students who don't prepare for the end of deferment get hit hard! I don't have enough digits to count the fellow graduates who, even after exit loan interviews, didn't understand how much they would have to pay 6 months after graduation. Preparing for this date is an important way to start your post college life out on the right foot.