Free tax advice for small-business owners - straight from the IRS


If you're running your own business or thinking about starting one up, take it from me, a freelancer for eight years, that tax prep is one of the hardest parts about being your own boss.

Sure, filling out tax returns is grueling for everyone, but us small-biz owners get an added knife-twist in the heart when we see how much we'll have to pay in Self-Employment and Social Security taxes.

Every tax-prep season comes with a shock or surprise about a new change in the tax law. Sometimes it's good (the business standard mileage rate was increased), sometimes it's not (self-employment income subject to Social Security taxes was just increased from $97,500 to $102,000.) Regardless, it's good to know how much more money Uncle Sam is going to take from you. This year, the Feds are going to help you find out.
