Gratitude can help your health, marriage and more


It has been long demonstrated that gratitude can help you be happier, but now there are even more benefits to a thankful lifestyle. Grateful people tend to be healthier, better in relationships, and emotionally tough. University of Utah researchers found that grateful people are more optimistic and optimism boosts immunity. They are also more relaxed as gratitude triggers oxytocin, a bonding hormone. The nervous system relaxes and the individual experiences fewer aches and illnesses.

Having an attitude of gratitude can also help in connecting to others. Grateful people tend to be kind and compassionate folks who habitually help others. They are good in relationships and marriage as they let their partners know that they appreciate them.

Grateful people are less materialistic as they tend to appreciate what they have instead of always wanting more. They exhibit emotional toughness as they are able to find the positives in their lives no matter what is happening with the economy.
