Online stores are slashing prices as a new front in the price war breaks out


Living in an economy that is going through the shredder has some benefits for consumers looking for price breaks. Ever since people realized they couldn't afford to drive much, the lack of demand has helped bring on low gas prices, for one thing. We have a built-in, believable excuse to use when a telemarketer calls ("I'd like to pay for your service, but I'm broke") if we're not the sort to just hang up on them. And since nobody is spending money and retailers really, really want your business, there are some incredible shopping deals to be had.

And nowhere is that more apparent lately than on the Web, according to a recent New York Times story. It's an insightful article with a lot of examples of the deals going on, and so for anyone who wants a quick cheat sheet on, I thought I'd provide you some of the deals the article mentions:
