Almost FREE to eat at local restaurants


Run right over to, do not pass go, do not collect $200. But you DO get great restaurant certificates almost FREE. Normally the site sells $25 gift certificates for $10. Through tomorrow, you can get a $25 certificate for only $2 with the coupon code SURPRISE.

It's easy to find certificates if you search by your zip code. Be sure to read the fine print though... Many of the restaurants require minimum purchases or restrict the days on which you can use them. Even still, it's a great deal! And getting your certificates is easy: You simply print them out at your convenience.

Beware... The site is slow because of heavy traffic. And make sure you opt out of any offers at checkout, because consumers have reported finding charges on their credit cards for these special offers. But I completed a purchase today, so I know the site is still working and the deal is still valid. What a great way for those who have cut back on eating out to have a little fun!
