Home values decrease 17%...why haven't my taxes?


It is reported that home values have decreased 17% across the country. And I know they have decreased where I live, in Milwaukee -- so what gives with my taxes? They just continue to go up. We just received notice of a 14.5% increase for next year. Supposedly taxes are based on home values and our house is compared to others in the neighborhood. If values are going down -- why aren't taxes?

I know, it is said that taxes never go down. But I just don't get it. Every year services get cut, the parks are neglected and my leaves sit in the street. Not sure where the taxes are going but it isn't for services. The roads are full of potholes and they are talking about taking down Hoan Bridge, which connects my area of town to the city, because the cost of repairs are too high. Where is all the money going?

I don't know about the rest of the country but mismanagement, sweetheart deals for some of the city and county employees and waste are at least part of the problem. Milwaukee's county executive, Scott Walker, continues to cut services to our beautiful park system while giving one of his key staff members a 33% raise. Our previous county executive was a part of a pension scandal that has cost taxpayers millions. Why do I have to pay for other people's mistakes?

These are the kinds of issues that voters are upset about. Make sure your voice is heard in the voting booth.

Barbara Bartlein is the People Pro. For her FREE e-mail newsletter, please visit: The People Pro.
