When you're rich and fashionably clueless, who you gonna call? Wardrobe911


When Mr. Blackwell, the 86-year-old fashion critic, passed away recently, I wasn't happy, of course -- I am never pleased to see anyone check out -- but a little part of me breathed a sigh of relief. He was famous for coming out with his annual list of the 10 worst dressed women every January, but I always had this feeling that if I ever wound up becoming famous, he'd probably see me and decide that men needed their own list, too.

I tend not to be a very fashion conscious guy. I wear a button down shirt, jeans in the winter and shorts in the warmer months, and that's pretty much my routine, every day. I'm lucky if my socks match. If I were a fashion plate, I would be chipped.

So this is all my preamble for introducing Wardrobe911, a web site I recently learned about. The founder, "wardrobe therapist" Teresa Morisco and her fashion crew, will help you choose the right outfit for any occasion...for a fee. (and her website doesn't mention price, which leads me to believe if you have to ask, you can't afford it...)

Although I can imagine someone like Sarah Palin having contacted this service, had she not had assistance from the Republican National Committee, they specialize in helping entrepreneurs and executives, anywhere in the country or presumably world, provided you're willing to pay travel expenses. And any aspiring entrepreneur reading this, who thinks that the name of your company isn't really a big deal, you should take note. Would I be writing about this business if it were called, say, Dressing for Success? I can almost guarantee that the answer is -- no.

I just love the name: Wardrobe911. I'm envisioning a red telephone in Ms. Morisco's office. Someone haphazardly dressed -- maybe Britney Spears, a favorite of Mr. Blackwell -- calls, and Ms. Morisco slides down a pole, jumps into her fashion mobile and off she goes. We should all have help like that.

Geoff Williams is a fashion-challenged freelance journalist and the author of C.C. Pyle's Amazing Foot Race: The True Story of the 1928 Coast-to-Coast Run Across America (Rodale).
