Consumer Complaints: The rebate is in the mail...or not


How often have you found a great price on an item, only to realize that the price is good only if you get the rebate being offered? You're not getting an instantly good price. You have to pay a higher price, go through some hoops, wait a bit, and hope you get your rebate.

WalletPop reader Rick hates the process because he can't seem to get a rebate from Lowe's, and frankly, I feel the same way. Sure, I've gotten lots of rebates over the years. But there are also a few that I've never gotten even though I filled out all the paperwork, sent everything that was asked for, but later told that my documents weren't received and only an original code from the box will be accepted (not the photocopy of it, which is all I now have because I already sent them the original, which they say they didn't get).

Here's Rick's rebate story:
