Dancing with the IRS: Dancing with Stars champ gets indicted


A dance with the Internal Revenue Service is one that I never want to do, and I suspect everyone reading this feels the same. Unfortunately for Dancing With the Stars champion (and Indy 500 champ, but I'm focusing on the important stuff) Helio Castroneves, the IRS is after him and he has been indicted on multiple count of tax evasion.

Castroneves makes his home in South Florida, and the indictment happened in Miami on Thursday. The IRS says he failed to report $5.5 million in income between 1999 and 2002. His sister Kati is his manager, and she was indicted too, along with his lawyer, Alan Miller.

The charges against Castroneves include one fraud charge and six charges of tax evasion. Each of those counts could get him up to five years in prison, for a total of 35 years. (But maybe he'll get lucky like Wesley Snipes and find himself acquitted of some of these charges.)
