Store policy stops Michaels from taking quarters as payment

coins coins coins
coins coins coins

Michaels, a craft store with over 900 locations in the U.S. and Canada, has taken a rather unique view on change -- or at least one store has. Recently the Michaels in Hemet, California wouldn't let a youngster, who was shopping for her mother's birthday present, pay for a $4 purchase in quarters. When she began counting out the 16 coins for the cashier she was informed that it was store policy not to accept change. This forced Hayden to borrow from her younger sister in order to ensure a happy birthday for her mom.

I've put in an email to Michaels to find out if this ridiculous policy is in fact store policy, or simply an employee exercising poor customer service, but I haven't heard back from them yet. Even if such a policy exists, refusing to take 16 quarters for a purchase is simply lazy. I can see the same cashier refusing to take 16 singles next week because counting them would be too much of an inconvenience. Turning down this small of a quantity of change would obviously violate the spirit of any such policy if one exists.

If like me you wondered how a store can refuse a government issued coin, which is "legal tender for all debts public and private" it's because while these coins can be used to satisfy any debt, private businesses do not have to accept them. The Coinage act of 1965 set this policy into place meaning that coins and bills are a legal means of paying a creditor but allowing private businesses to set rules on forms of payment on their own.
