More travelers mixing business and pleasure

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vacation photo

Despite the economic crunch and indicators that business travel was slowing, Orbitz for Business reported today in its quarterly report that almost two thirds of business travelers are traveling as much or more than they have in past years, an increase over last quarter. The survey also picked up on an interesting trend in business travel that shows three fourths of businessmen and women mixing business and pleasure while traveling for work.

The survey found that close to 75% of business travelers have extended their trips to accommodate a vacation when traveling for work. In response to a separate question, over 40% of business travelers have taken someone with them on the trip without extending their stay. These numbers aren't surprising to me since this is how my wife and I have had almost every vacation since our honeymoon.

I started a new job just before we got married and between adjusting to life outside a dorm room and paying student loans we didn't have much cash left over for travel. Thankfully my first working year took me to West Virginia, Chicago and South Carolina for conferences and training. My wife accompanied me on two of these trips and our only out of pocket costs were for her meals, which let us do some cheap sightseeing and catching up with friends.
