Are you a Busy Izzy or a Stable Mable?


The Canned Food Alliance, in an effort to better identify moms to target advertising, has commissioned a study that places women in four categories. We bring you the list not so much as a public service to learn how better to incorporate canned food into your family's diet, but more so to give you an afternoon laugh.

Here is what an academic study from Rutger's came up with:

  • "Busy Izzy" -- These Working, Convenience-Driven Moms are most interested in learning how to prepare meals quickly. Their food choices tend to be based on convenience and time available.

  • "Harried Harriet" -- These Time-Conscious, Stressed, Emotional Eaters are typical emotional eaters and when times get stressful, they're satisfied with what's convenient.

  • "Sunny Susan" -- These Happy, Healthy, Foodie Moms enjoy eating a variety of new and different foods. Foods are chosen with an eye on price and product information labels. Preparing quick meals is not a top priority for these moms.

  • "Stable Mable" -- These Healthy, Unbiased Moms are health-conscious, adventurous eaters who value food-related activities, but don't necessarily enjoy them. Their decisions are based more on nutrition, rather than price and convenience.
