Big News! Newsletter Launched


Introducing the NEW Newsletter!. For the first time in a long time has it's very own newsletter!

We've been working on getting this newsletter out for quite some time and we're excited it's finally out there. Some of you might have some questions. I made this little FAQ to try and cover the bases

EDIT September 9th: Does the newsletter cost anything?
The newsletter is completely and totally free!

What is the difference between this and the News blog email? Well, for one, the Newsletter will be coming out twice a month. The blog email is sent out between 5-7 PM ET whenever their is a blog post. The blog posts are more day to day in nature while the Newsletter will be the definitive word from

If I sign up for the blog do I need to sign up for this too? Yes! Of course! The newsletter is the official word on the goings on of You'll find the details on tournaments, stamps and all other events.

Don't you do that on News?
Yes, and no. On News much of the content comes from yours truly, Larry C. I'll often get to things after they happen so that I can fill you in on the details rather than the the OFFICIAL News.

Where Can I sign up?

You can sign up by clicking here: Newsletter Sign-up Link

I didn't sign up for the newsletter but I would love to see it!
Well fear not! All of the Newsletter will be archived and you can view the first one here: Newsletter Vol. 1 September 8th

If you have any questions about the Newsletter please leave a comment and I will get back to you.
