Five tips for giving to charity online


Before widespread Internet use, charities relied heavily on direct mail campaigns for their fund raising. That meant paying for paper, printing, and postage, which can really add to a charity's operating costs. The Internet has been a blessing for charities by allowing them to turn to free email solicitations and online payment options, as well as making it easier for donors to find them.

Unfortunately, the Internet also opens the door for scams disguised as charities, and of course all the risks associated with paying by credit card online instead of the old fashioned way, with a check in the mail. It's great that you want to give to charity -- but it's important that you do it responsibly.

From the American Institute of Philanthropy, here are 5 tips for donating wisely online:

  • Know your charity. You should never give money to a charity you know nothing about. Always be suspicious of online solicitations, and don't give until you've had a chance to review the charity's mission statement and annual report. Charities are legally required to tell donors how their money is spent. The AIP suggests that charities should spend no more than 40% of their income on administrative costs, meaning at least 60% of your donation should go directly to supporting the cause. Additionally, the charity's website should have clear information about where the operation is headquartered and how you can contact the organization, both online and offline.
