McDonald's Southern-styled sandwich can't be given away?


Is McDonald's having trouble moving its "so simple, so juicy, so perfectly seasoned" Southern-style chicken and biscuit breakfast sandwich? Or its regular-menu Southern-style chicken sandwich? Perhaps. But if you're in the Washington, D.C. area, you can find out if its worth your money (and the considerable amount of simple carbs you'll consume) tomorrow, Thursday, July 24 with the purchase of a medium- or large-sized beverage.

The biscuit sandwich offer will be good 7 a.m. through 10:30 a.m. (McDonald's typical breakfast ending time) and then the chicken sandwich will be available for free with purchase through 7 p.m. This is a repeat of a nationwide offer from May; McDonald's has been repeating the offer in local markets in a (desperate?) attempt to shore up sales for the new menu item, even offering the sandwich free for pajama-clad customers in one Florida market.

If you hit the breakfast sandwich, you can check out the premium coffee at the same time. Sales for the pricey caffeine have been slower than expected so you may not have this chance for long!

Have you tried the sandwich? What did you think? If you're in the D.C. area, will you wait in line for it tomorrow?
