Not worth it at the dollar store: bag candy


Dollar stores are great places to find bargains on any number of household needs but you can't always assume that, just because it's only $1, you're automatically getting the most bang for your buck. Prices and quantities may vary according to stores in your town, but going by my shopping list, here are 10 things you might want to go elsewhere for:

bag candy
bag candy

Bag candy
Got a sweet tooth? You're better off buying a 2 lb. tub of jujubes or gummy worms at Wal-mart for $2.94. You'd be paying $4 for the same amount of candy at the dollar store because there, an 8 oz. bag costs a buck.
So, if you want to buy enough to treat the family, leave those four 8 oz bags on the shelf and save $1.06 by buying the 2lb tub. How sweet is that?
