WalletPop special guest blogger: President Bush...?


Is President Bush fishing around for something to do after he leaves office in January? Yesterday at a press conference he seemed to be trying out the job of dispensing personal finance advice. I know, I know, telling people how to save seemingly microscopic amounts of money seems so glamorous. The fancy financial calculators! The posh setting (your home!).

Other presidents have been tempted. If WalletPop were around in 1977, Jimmy Carter might have wanted to write a barn-burner post headlined Will a sweater lower your heating bills?

President Bush -- who learned from reporters in February that analysts feared gas was heading to $4 -- dropped quite a few money-saving and economy-stimulating tidbits into his press conference. As busy as he's been these last seven years, he's still moonlighted a bit, instructing Americans about the meaning of recession or the value of shopping.
