Mortgage Confidential: Understanding APR -- comparing apples and apples


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The Annual Percentage Rate, or APR, is perhaps one of the most abused and misunderstood numbers when applying for a mortgage loan. Enacted years ago as part of the Federal Truth in Lending Act of 1968, this well-intentioned government consumer protection statute (goodness, how many of those do we have?) did many things but mostly it confused everybody. Most loan officers will tell you that the APR is a meaningless number so don't pay any attention to it when what they really mean is they have no clue as to how it's calculated or why it's even there.

What it's supposed to do is allow consumers to easily compare mortgage rate quotes from one lender to another by comparing the APR number. The APR is correctly defined as the cost of money borrowed expressed as an annual rate. When you get a mortgage you get an interest rate to go along with it but typically the lender has other fees it wants to charge so those fees need to be factored into the mortgage rate to come up with an APR.

The larger the variance between your mortgage rate -- the rate your payments are actually based on -- and the APR means one lender has more "junk" fees than it's competitor and will show a higher APR. Or at least that's the theory.
