Sunscreen worth the money? Or consumers getting burned?


This week the Environmental Working Group (EWG) reported that 80% of sunscreens aren't all they're cracked up to be, falling short on either their ability to protect skin from the sun or the safety of the ingredients. Sunscreen makers say this simply isn't true.

Here's what EWG reports: They say that products should be labeled better. In particular, they want products labeled regarding UVA rays, which don't cause sunburns but do still damage the skin. They say this is important because UVA can cause skin cancer. Current labeling with SPF factors only measures the protection from UVB rays, which cause sunburns. The result? You might still be getting skin damage from UVA rays, even though you think you're protected because of the SPF rating.

EWG says that only 15% of the products they tested had "broad spectrum" protection, meaning they protect against UVA and UVB. And they say that the best selling brands of sunscreen were the worst performers in their tests.
