Fantastic Freebies: Suze Orman's Will & Trust Kit


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Click here and use the gift code people first to receive a free online version of Suze Orman's Will & Trust Kit/Ultimate Protection Portfolio.

The hard copy version of the kit costs $12.89 on Here's the product description:

This is an easy-to-use and fast way for you and other members of your household to create your own will, living revocable trust, and all the other must-have documents you need to protect you and your family. It's as easy as 1-2-3-simply personalize, print, and protect.

Suze Orman and her own estate trust attorney have created the most state-of-the-art documents found anywhere. There are more than $2,500 worth of estate documents in this kit. Why pay thousands of dollars when you can get the same documents in this kit for $19.95!

Sounds like a no-brainer Fantastic Freebie to me!
