Here's how you're spending your stimulus checks


One woman spent it on training her puppy. Another couple spent theirs fixing their car. One woman bought a fancy Dyson vacuum cleaner and commented, (I paraphrase here) "I hope it sucks as good and long as this president and administration has." Ouch. But, you know, a valid observation, nicely tied into the current political/economic morass which produced such notions as economic stimulus checks in the first place.

How'd you spend your stimulus check? Before you tell us, check out others who've gone before you. It's all here at

Started by a Park Slope (Brooklyn) resident Rudy Adler, the site is a collaborative effort to collect the stories of ordinary Americans and their decidedly un-ordinary windfalls. It's fascinating reading. And everyone is invited to post their own tale, along with a photo of the purchase.

Even more interesting are the category breakouts. There are 40 entries for Gifts and Donations, 63 for Invest/Savings, and 104 for Travel/Vacation. There are 80 posts under the Debt/Credit Card category. And 95 classified as "other." What's the story here? You'll just have to go investigate yourself.
