Fantastic Freebies: 20 song downloads from Rhapsody

20 free songs
20 free songs

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The tunes you have can easily set the tone for a great night out, which is why Southern Comfort is offering 20 free downloads from Rhapsody just for joining their "Soco Night Institute". In order to score your 20 tracks you'll need to visit the 'Soco Night Institute" and affirm that you are over 21 years old, after which you'll need to click on the enroll now for 20 songs button on the left side of the page.

To use the code for free music you'll also need to sign up for Rhapsody which is free as well. You can use their website or download their desktop client to get your music.

What's that you say? You use iTunes and an iPod! Don't worry you can use the $19.80 credit with Rhapsody to download DRM free MP3s which you can import into whatever music program your little heart desires. You can even burn them to a CD if that's your cuppa tea. For me it doesn't get much better than FREE, DRM FREE music.

Maybe you can help out Usher, who has had to lower the asking price on his mansion by picking up his newest album.
