Party on the Cheap: The Creative Class Parties for Free


The cool crowd has made museum going hip again. Coast to coast, museums across the country are offering events that cater to the 21-45 year-old crowd in an attempt to win over a new audience. And, their attempt may be paying off. The young and artsy or the "creative class" has taken notice and begun to flock in hundreds, and even thousands, to the monthly events held at the Seattle Art Museum, the Brooklyn Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and more.

The traditional date of dinner and movie may be seem too stale for many, and some couples may be looking to make their date night just a little more interesting. That's why singles and couples alike are going out for free events at their local museums, which offer events dubbed "first Fridays" or "first Saturdays". While some museums may cost a few bucks, there are many that are free. These parties are offering cultural and pop exposure by merging art and a turntable master together for a night at the museum. Now, various museums across the U.S. are offering ways to party on the cheap. There may be a cultural explosion in your neck of the woods , and tonight might be the perfect night to party. (Save your money for other things.) And, this weekend might be your local museum's night to party.

Photo by Tim Aguero
