Will buying a bread maker save you money?


Over at Boston Gal's Open Wallet, the author is debating the merits of purchasing a bread machine to combat the rising cost of bread at the local market. Boston Gal goes farther than most people do when they muse about the cost savings of purchasing an appliance to save money by providing the numbers to back up her assumed savings. If Boston Gal switches to making her bread at home she estimates that the savings will be over $150 per year!

I am further impressed that she is investigating the actual power consumption of the machine to see the affect it will have on her energy use but, then again, what do you expect from somebody who put solar panels on her house. Aside from the calculations the article also investigates purchasing a used bread machine to further increase the savings gained from making your own bread. The comments also reveal personal experiences to take into account when making your own bread, including one which indicates the shelf life of your homemade bread will be shorter than its store bought brethren.

I love fresh bread and I have been tempted by bread machines in the past but I always remember the newspaper covered machines I saw at friends' homes while growing up. I am afraid to purchase a machine which can move from daily use to storage rack overnight. I already have enough unused appliances and kitchen widgets I don't think I need to pick up a bread machine to add to my clutter. Combine this with the fact that I see myself getting lazy around week 4 and switching to store bought, "just for a week"! When I do feel in the mood for homemade bread I love to make no knead bread which is incredibly easy and cheap to make!
